Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12 - Kenya's Vision 2030

Talk about truly meaningful goals! What were your new years' resolutions? 

Kenya has created a vision for what the country will look like in the year 2030. I have included a link to the Vision 2030 website on the right side of my blog page - feel free to read in more detail.

Vision 2030 is a truly inclusive Kenyan vision and was developed involving Kenyans from all parts of the country.  Basically the dream is to create a globally competitive and prosperous nation with a high quality of life by 2030. 

Vision 2030 will be implemented in successive five-year plans in order to allow evaluation, accountability and continuous movement  towards its achievement.

In order to encompass comprehensive national development, Vision 2030 will be developed using the following four pillars:
  1. Economic - Moving the Economy up the Value Chain. To maintain a sustained economic growth of 10% per annum over the next 25 years
  2. Social - Investing in the People of Kenya. A just and cohesive society enjoying equitable social development in a clean and  secure environment.
  3. Political - Moving to the Future as One Nation. An issue-based, people-centered, result-oriented and accountable democratic political system
  4. Enablers and Macro-Foundation - Deploying World Class Infrastructure Facilities & Services.  Cross cutting infrastructural development, ST&I (Science, Technology and Innovation), Public Sector Reforms and Macroeconomic stability.

 Pillar 4 is where my Kenya CSC sub team fits in.

In my first post, I introduced you to the larger Kenya 4 team. Now I want you to meet "Team Giraffe" or "Timu Twiga" (in Swahili):

Expertise and skill

Richard Daniel

IBM India
Finance sector industry; Leading the Open system end to end solutions for financial account; IT Strategy Gap analysis with business needs.

Henriette Joost
Senior Manager

IBM Denmark
Finance and retail sector industry; End to End services and IT solutions for Outsourcing; global resourcing and global partnering; global credit card solutions; Problem and Change management both on task and organization, Project management and people management

Jennifer Keskikyla
Senior Human Resources Partner

IBM Canada
Human Resources (HR); Employee Relations: Case Manager. Resolution of complex internal cases, litigation, Internal Audit investigations.  Define and negotiate appropriate and globally consistent disciplinary actions. HR Operations, People Management, HR Consulting.

Bahram Maghsoudi
Senior Managing Consultant

IBM Germany

If you dive deeper into the 4th pillar, you will find that there are 4 sectors, of which one is Science Technology and Innovation (ST&I).   One of the goals listed under sector ST&I says: 

Improved ST & I capacities and capabilities to support the key national transformation areas:  To mainstream science, technology and innovation in all sectors of the economy hence create a strong base for enhanced efficiency, sustained growth and promotion of value addition in goods and services. 

Are you still with me? 
It was a big "Aha" moment for me when I connected the work our team was given back to the Vision 2030 goals for Kenya. Here is the statement of work for Team Twiga, given to us by the Ministry of Higher Education Science & Technology (MoHEST):

With IBM, MoHEST will embark on building the requisite tools and capacity to capture, understand and address the diverse innovation initiatives and develop a framework to empower the ministry to define gaps and areas of targeted intervention to align with Vision 2030 goal.

I have this image of these innovations, like mail, spilled all over the floor in a front hallway of a house. The analogy is that we are going to help the Ministry have the mail (innovations) delivered to one address, gather up the letters (innovations), and help them build a bookshelf (framework) to capture, understand and address them. 

That's all for today - Getting really excited about the challenges ahead!

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